The door lock took me longer than expected due to my having used a thinner timber stock than would be usual for a door. This was a deliberate decision at the time as I didn’t want the doors to be too heavy, and since I was starting with the doors, I felt that the entire construct would be too heavy set had I gone this way.
So now it bites me. I’d prepared a 3mm shim last week on discovering this but after about 30 minutes of mucking around, discovered that I really needed at least 8-10mm. Luckily there’s heaps of spare timber and offcuts lying around, so a few chops later, a nice mount for the lock is complete.
Got a call from Anna half way during the day saying that the signwriter’s ready with the signs. Very exciting.
I thought that I might get the door furniture installed and the LED light strips also. I’d ordered 25 white LED strips from Jaycar a couple of months previous and had received them by courier (living out in the sticks, a surprising number of companies refuse to deliver to Post Office Boxes).
So opening the package, I discovered that I was short sent. B*m. A quick call to the good people at Jaycar and the balance is due to be sent out to me. meanwhile, I used the spare time to have a further contemplate about how exactly I was going to attach the strips to the insides of the windows. I decided to use the unexpected extra time to make a number of slats to brad to the inside of the frames thus allowing the strips to be mounted 90 degrees to the glass panes.
I used the balance of the afternoon to start on the door lock. Surprisingly, I discovered very affordable Yale locks ($20!) at Bunnings. Running out of time, I discovered that I needed a shim because the door timber I used was about half the width of a typical door. Next week’s problem.
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