I’d been asked to speak at the Pharmacy Australia Congress 2012 about e-health Continue reading PAC 2012
Tag Archives: pharmacy
Where were you from again?
I was about to label up a bottle of Coveram 10/10 (don’t even get me started on how ridiculous it is that there are 2 DIFFERENT strengths of this product marketed as 5/10 and 10/5 – it’s like they want people to get confused!).
I did the beep to confirm I had the right product when I noticed the country of origin…

Osaka nights
Typically when ordering food in Japan but not speaking nor reading the language nor comprehending the culture’s systems, one is able to order by pointing at plastic molded simulcrums. In this restaurant we were presented with an English menu which had pictures and did lots of delicious barbequed yummies which we could only guess at from pictures. BBQd chicken offal is surprisingly delicious when you have no idea what it is you’re eating.