Using the CNC machine, one of the other students had created a fairly hefty curved front jig which I repurposed to created my curved fronts. The issue being that he’d made it for his creation, so I had to do some tweaking.
And so the trial goes. First try wasn’t too bad. 6 sheets of 3mm MDF bonded together with some homemade veneer on the front side. Back top & side veneers to be decided at a later time when I work out what I’m doing. This curved product wasn’t too bad except for being too short – I would have only been able to create 3 drawer fronts with contiguous grain and 1 odd. Not a great look. Also, the time it took me to contemplate, I suspect the form of the curve started to change.
More haste more speed.
After the difficulty and expense of making my own veneer (there is a heck of a lot of wastage without the right veneering machines), I decided to purchase some pre-made stuff and started kicking myself that I’d completely neglected to buy some from the recent and underwhelming timber woodwork show.
I found the good people of River Gum Timbers to be most helpful not only in furnishing me with the veneers required, but also contacting me from my internet order to confirm the sizes I needed and whether I’d like cuttings made to size.
I grabbed some longer screw bolts from Bunnings and, with veneers at the ready, extended the length of the curvy jig to suit.