Third coat of blue & interior prep

Somewhere in the back of my head, I had considered the options for the TARDIS interior. On the Ecclestone episode “Father’s Day”, the set designers inverted the TARDIS exterior panels to face inwards for the empty insides scene. Two other options are straight black and straight white. As I don’t intend spending much time on the inside, not longer being of an age with an overactive imagination, I decided on straight white.

Which left me with the problem of actually doing it, which had not entered my calculations when I started the exterior painting. So, more preparation, more sanding, more scraping, removal of blue overspray from the outside (and ergo, the persistant new though that whire overspray from the inside is going to be inevitable), and generally more sanding.

There’s lots of fiddly bits on the inside because it’s not the beauty aspect, so a few corners and construction details I’d left raw (such as screw holes, dings and scrapes, and various timber fitting repairs where the odd shim was required).

My issue now is that time (sigh) is quite pressing on me for the project to be completed by semester’s end, so I’m going to be a bit expedient with the inside.