No visit would be complete without a trek to the Six-and-a-half Apostles. The only thing that really spoilt the atmosphere was the BUSloads of tourists making what used to be a fairly relaxed place more like Boxing Day at the G. Loch Ard Gorge was no better. We did titter that the hordes having ignored most other things also ignored the warnings of the harsh summer sun…
Monthly Archives: December 2010
Newton’s Ridge
No visit to the area would be complete without a visit to Dot & David’s winery. David generously showed us a half dozen sparkly whites being finished off Frenchy Methodey style. Frozen plugs of yeast were popped out to our delight and the bottles topped up, corked, caged, and labelled. The current Pinot was delicious. Much nicer than the Mornington varieties. We also picked up our favourite Pinot Griggio. Yummy summer drinking.
Western Districts tour
We entertained the Sydney rellies with a grand trip down Timboon to see the new Cheeseshop (formerly National, formerly King Island, formerly Timboon Cheese…). The new proprietors are planning several types in the French style. A lovely washed rind and triple cream were to be had. Except with a French accent.
First Cherry Harvest
Wild weather
Another 40 odd mm of rain last night combined with the 64mm in 2 hours last Friday means there’s only 3 words I have: wet, wet, wet. Unlike our neighbors, we didn’t have our paddocks, driveways, and sheds wash away, although we did experience some scouring in the bend of our drive as the torrent came through. Our emergency trenching when we had the 90+mm downpour on that day in August has served us well…
Little things
Having a play with the flash with a bounce card and 85mm macro lens. The cricket was from a while back, but the spider (lots and lots of bugs, creepy crawlies & spiders right now) decided to cast its web over the back door threshold which ends in the dual result of my screaming high pitchedly like a teenage girl, and then almost immediately thinking that I should get the camera. I discovered a few dead moths cleaning up in the shed (I was cleaning the shed, not the moths)…
Courtyard progress
Anna & her mum are hard at work preparing & pebbling the courtyard. As well as the preparation, they finished the rock work: about 4 tonnes in all (very bendy ute suspension!)
Friends of Mt Leura Christmas Dinner 2010
What’s an end of year dinner without random unsuspecting photos. You know who you are…
It must be Christmas
Only the 3rd of December and already have been to 2 Christmas functions. At least the manic nature of being a retail proprietor is no longer on my shoulders (Christmas planning in the industry starting around June/July!) Here’s some sunset pictures from the northern shore of the lake at the Friends of Mt Leura Chrissy event.